The dress code sets a standard for our students, creating an environment conducive to learning and respectful behavior. The principal/administration has the final say on the school uniform.
Students should wear their school uniforms with pride and in accordance with school regulations. St. John students are expected to adhere to rules of good grooming and modesty. Uniforms should be clean and in good repair. By following the school rules on wearing the proper uniform, children are learning about responsibility and individual pride. All uniforms must be purchased from the designated uniform companies.

Lands’ End School Uniforms
P.E. uniforms and boys’ dress pants can be purchased from Lands’ End online. Our preferred school number is 900149311.

Flynn O’Hara Uniforms
Dress uniforms can be purchased from Flynn O’Hara online or at the retail store located at 9650 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Please review the updated 2024-2025 Uniform Dress Code.