Preschool Carpool Instructions


We request parents to enter via Winchester Street, make a sharp left in front of the Parish Office building, and slowly proceed down in a single file to form a line in front of the Preschool building. At approximately 7:45 am daily, a staff member will greet you at the front door of the Preschool building and sign your child in.  Once this procedure has been done your child will be escorted by a staff member to their assigned classroom.

If you choose to park and walk in with your student, please park in front of the preschool and remember our parking lot safety rules: (1) No child may be left in your vehicle unattended, and (2) Hold the hand of your child at all times.  A staff member will sign in your child and you may escort them to the entrance of their assigned classroom. Make sure any adult who has permission to bring or pick up your child knows to perform this procedure.


Both 12 pm and 3 pm dismissals will follow the same procedure.

Dismissal is the same drive-through system as morning drop-off. We request parents to enter via Winchester Street, make a sharp left in front of the Parish Office building, and slowly proceed down in a single file to form a line in front of the Preschool building. Please remain in your vehicle. A staff member will escort your child to your car for you to seat and buckle him/her. You will be asked to sign or initial the sign-out sheet as confirmation of the child’s pickup from preschool.  During inclement weather, a staff member will initial the sign-out sheet and notate the person picking up. Children will only be released to their parents or individuals listed on the Pickup Authorization Sheet.  Please be patient as our arrival and dismissal procedures will be new to everyone!  See the preschool arrival and dismissal map below. When arriving and departing it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child’s safety.  If a child is picked up late, a charge will be incurred.  Late fees are calculated at $5.00 per 5 minutes or any portion thereof.

Permission Notes

The parent must provide a clearly written note reflecting any change in the student’s pick-up procedure.  The note must state that you are giving the school permission to release the student to the person and must state the name of the adult (18 years or older) picking up. Please tell any adults, that we will check their license to verify their identity, before releasing the student. If you call the school and have a change in the pick-up plans, the staff will not release any child to an adult whose name is not on your pick-up list. These are kept in the office, classroom backpack, and in the classroom.

Carpool Map