Dear Parents,
Spring Uniforms begin on Monday! Please see the guidelines here: Uniform Dress Code.
Our 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball Team advanced in the tournament last week. The next game is 6:45 pm, Saturday, March 19th at St. Mark Catholic School in Vienna. Fan support would be greatly appreciated!
The 7th Grade class is selling Quiche and Potpies to raise funds for our 8th Grade Dinner Dance. Orders need to be placed by March 30th for delivery on April 8th. The flyer and order form can be found here.
Please save the date for the following events:
PTO is holding a fundraiser on Friday, March 25th. Information can be found here: Kindred Ride and sign up here.
Library Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is next Saturday, March 26th at 6 pm.
School-sponsored Lenten Supper is Friday, April 1st. Volunteers will be needed. More information to come.
PTO Spring Gala will be held on Saturday, April 30th. Please make sure class basket items are provided to homeroom parents by Thursday, April 14th